Oxygen in wines to secure your AFs

By providing a controlled dose of oxygen and paying careful attention to yeast nutrition, it is possible to guarantee their survival until fermentation is complete, resulting in a clean, precise aromatic profile.

Oxygen management
Oxygen management
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Oxygène en FA

Why is oxygen essential in AF?

The evolution of musts, characterized by increased concentration and reduced acidity, raises major challenges for winemaking. Labor shortages exacerbate the situation, making it imperative to maintain optimal fermentation kinetics in order to avoid premature stoppage of fermentation and secure the wine profile against microbiological risks.
To meet the metabolic needs of yeast, a controlled supply of nitrogen and oxygen at Vmax is essential.


What is Vmax?

Vmax is the crucial moment when yeast activity is at its peak. It is reached at the end of the yeast growth phase. It can be measured by CO2 release or regular monitoring of densities. At -20 density points, it is essential to supply nitrogen nutrients and oxygen punctually over the next 12 hours.
Example of fermentation monitoring and automatic identification of Vmax by our KYP® algorithms.

Team tips

Equipe commercial

To add structure to a mature white chardonnay: Vmax cliquage at 7mg/L + cliquage at 2 mg/l in case of reduction + batonnage + 0.75 ml/l/month MOX

Reduce vegetal, fix color and intensify fruitiness on a Northern Rhône Valley Syrah: Vmax cliquage at 10 mg/l + mox at 60 ml/l/month up to 85% of AF

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recettes visio

How does it work in practice?

Our Visio® oxygen injection systems enable both punctual (cliquage) and continuous (micro-oxygenation) injection. The micro devices feature a "MOX Assistant" program which, depending on the base matrix and wine profile objective, offers automatic injection sequences to help you create your wine profiles.

Further information: Visio Safe

Visio Safe automatically detects Vmax, making complex fermentations safer. The automated oxygen supply, precisely dosed at the right time, effectively compensates for labor shortages. Thanks to its adaptive algorithm, Visio Safe adjusts to the wine matrix and fermentation kinetics, optimizing winemaking conditions in complete safety.

When density and temperature data are collected manually or via Densios* sensors, Visio Safe integrates them into its algorithm to detect Vmax automatically! This will trigger a clicquage!

*Densios sensors are connected sensors that work on the principle of flotation, just like a conventional mustimeter, and automatically send measurements every hour. Positioned inside your tanks, they enable precise monitoring of fermentation on your red, white and rosé musts.

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